
Tag 'Events'

24. January 2025
Die 1. Handwerk Ski-WeltmeisterschaftDie 1. Handwerk Ski-Weltmeisterschaft

Am Kreischberg haben schon viele große internationale Events stattgefunden, allen voran sogar Weltmeisterschaften der Snowboarder und Freeskier. Am 8. März 2025 folgt mit der ersten Weltmeisterschaft der Handwerker eine außergewöhnliche Premiere. Gefahren wird ein Riesentorlauf, der Modus setzt bewusst Spaß und Gemeinschaftserlebnis in den Mittelpunkt. Sowohl im Team- als auch Einzelwettbewerb gewinnt die beste Durchschnittszeit. Sportlich ambitionierte Handwerker/innen können sich natür…

30. April 2015
2015 FIS Freestyle Ski & Snowboard World Championships in Kreischberg/Lachtal2015 FIS Freestyle Ski & Snowboard World Championships in Kreischberg/Lachtal

2015 saw a premiere on Kreischberg: the snowboarding and freestyle skiing world championships were held together for the first time. The Kreischberg organising committee mastered this challenge brilliantly, and so the World Championships were a great worldwide advertisement for snowboarding and freestyle sports. Here are some facts and figures: 800 athletes from 40 nations took part in the World Championships. The World Championships entourage comprised a total of 2,500 people. 24 compe…

30. April 2009
2009 FIS Telemark World Championships2009 FIS Telemark World Championships

In the 2008 and 2009 winter seasons, the Kreischberg organising committee broke new ground. A Telemark World Cup was held for the first time in 2008, and in January 2009 the Murau-Kreischberg region hosted the Telemark World Championships with 160 athletes and coaches from 20 nations.

30. April 2003
2003 FIS Snowboard World Championships2003 FIS Snowboard World Championships

The decision at the FIS Congress in Melbourne in 2003 to award the World Championships to the Murau-Kreischberg region was already a sensation. After all, the competition included none other than Whistler Mountain. However, the enthusiasm of the young Kreischberg organising committee won over those in charge at the FIS, and they were not disappointed. The 5th Snowboard World Championships were the most successful up until that time. 20 nations sent 350 athletes, 9 competitions took place…

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